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How to write a kitchen porter cover letter

If you are applying for a job as a kitchen porter, you need to know how to write a kitchen porter cover letter.

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These days most business letters begin with the address of the person writing the letter. Most of the time all addresses and dates are aligned to the left-hand margin. This is the usual format: -

  • The date can either go at the top left-hand corner of the letter, or it can be placed under the sender’s address.
  • Then you need to write your address. If you place the date further down, you will begin with your address in the top left-hand corner, followed by the date underneath it. Miss a line after your address and the date.
  • Next, miss a line and write the name and address of the person or company that you are writing to.
  • Miss a line and begin your letter with the name of the person to whom you are writing.
  • Use Mr./Ms or the person’s full name and position if you know it. For example: Ms Susan James (Head of Personnel)
  • If you don’t know the name of the person to whom you are writing, begin Dear Sir/Madam.
  • Your ending will depend on how you addressed the recipient of your letter. If you wrote dear Ms Susan James, you has to end Yours sincerely. If you don’t know the name of the person to whom you are writing, the letter must end, Yours faithfully.

At the beginning the letter you should explain why you are writing, for example, I am writing to apply for a job as a kitchen porter in your company.

Next you should give details of your experience of being a kitchen porter. If you don’t have any experience, do some research to find out exactly what a kitchen porter’s job entails. Mention that you can do several of the tasks: - for example,

  • I am physically fit and healthy and can carry heavy loads.
  • I have good hand-eye coordination and am not clumsy.
  • I can manage my time efficiently and multi-task.
  • I understand the principles of food hygiene.
  • I am literate and can easily follow both written and verbal instructions.
  • I enjoy working as part of a team.
  • I am friendly and get on well with people.

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