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Write the best fashion cover letter

Jobs and interns in fashion are exciting and inspiring. They are also highly competitive and so if you want to be in with a decent chance then you have to create a compelling fashion cover letter. It cannot be bland and it certainly cannot be a generic one that is written for each and every job or internship that you apply for. Recruiters in the fashion industry are notorious for sniffing out cover letters that are not tailored specifically to them and, basically, it turns them off. They are also very busy and if your cover letter doesn’t excite them within ten seconds of scanning it, you are sent to trash. If this sounds harsh, think about the industry which you are trying to get into, it is highly creative and competitive so if you can’t establish that you have the ability to be both when applying for the job what chances have you got of demonstrating these skills when you are actually in the job?


In this article, you will learn:

Hints and tips that you need to know

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In your cover letter, you probably have one paragraph to sell yourself, two at the very most. Therefore, it is imperative that every word counts. This means that you have to go through the job or intern requirements and find the most important ones. You then need to demonstrate how your skills match up with their requirements. For instance, let’s imagine that to be placed as an intern with Zappy Fashions, you need to be able to show leadership practise, design qualifications and a portfolio.

  • Leadership practise. As a student at First Degree University, I worked as editor for the college fashion magazine in my final year producing a monthly magazine which sold 200 copies per month. I also successfully organized four fashion shows during my time at university.
  • Design qualifications. I will shortly have a degree in Fashion which includes fashion technology and sketching. I have also completed two modules on fashion history.
  • Creative fashion portfolio. I have a portfolio that includes sketches of designs that I have created myself. These can be viewed in Adobe Illustrator if so required.

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